
  • Kate Mayer (Leslie Hope) seems to have it all: a nice suburban house, two loving children and a devoted hu…
  • When Max, a down on his luck strip club owner, has his life and livelihood threatened by local gangsters, …
  • Great Dance Crew

    As at last a team of female dancers will be formed, dancers from all walks of life are brought together: t…
  • 《大河之舞》自1994年首演以来便炙手可热,并且引燃了全球的踢踏舞热潮,更是被全球艺评人一致推崇为当代最具爱尔…
  • 每一个死去的人都有思想……
  • 叶树生碌碌无为,在胡同中无人理会。一天他在修自来水时,意外地挖出一块祖传古玉。他公开表示要永久收藏,为此在…
  • A re-imagining of the Arthurian legend centered around Arthur's illegitimate son Owain who must learn to t…
  • 影片介绍:影片讲述了一名警察无视法律的界线,不择手段为爱妻复仇的故事。一名被梅森(迪恩·凯恩)送去坐牢的罪犯…
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