
  • Whenamysteriousvirusbreaksoutinanisolatedarmycamp,alazyreservistsoldierandhistoughcommandermustworktogethe…
  • When Kirby Lane's SUV breaks down in the middle of the desert, she must overe the dehydration, coyotes, an…
  • A squad of unsuspecting cops goes through a trapdoor to Hell when they stumble upon a Black Mass in an aba…
  •   深入人心的心理恐惧。自从她的父母在她年轻的时候失踪以来,卡米尔就受到了创伤。现在,二十年后的今天,提起…
  • 在纷乱的城市家庭的悲剧之后,克里斯和Maggie康利,在最后的努力来挽救垂死的婚姻,在森林的最深处购买一个孤立的…
  • A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a &qu…
  • 黑暗骑士,具有超凡能力的正义之士,这个神秘组织暗中执行正义,将法律无法伸张的恶徒就地正法,向街头犯罪宣战。…
  • 错位青春第三季

    十几年前,两个女孩刚一出生便被弄错了身份,从此跟着不是自己亲生父母的「父母」长大成人。Bay Kennish本该是穷…
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